A techie's trip into the unknown

Day April 14, 2012

The Path

The path that I have traveled so far which may or may not have led me to this point: The Matrix  9/11 irregularities  David Icke  Total Onslaught, Walter Veith Interview with an ex-vampire, Bill Schnoebelen Project Camelot & Project Avalon… Continue Reading →

Monroe Preamble

Before drifting off to sleep say the following as words in your mind (convert as early as possible into nonverbal communication stating the affirmation in mental action rather than words): I am more than my physical body. Because I am… Continue Reading →


I used the Monroe Institute preamble again. This time I decided to add the 3rd command even though I did not see any portal of light. New: when the 10min timer went off I was slightly startled and simultaneously felt… Continue Reading →

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