Using the advice of Maruti and the Spiritual Reality YouTube video I decided last night to simply listen to my breathing, as if I had never experienced breathing before. Oh! The abdomen raises like this, interesting — the lungs expand like that. What a curious sound — the air pushing through the throat! Gradually I started feeling tingling throughout the whole body. Every once in a while the tingling would come in a big wave to the rhythm of the heart beat. Then, whereas before with the Neo device I would feel a constriction in the chest area, I felt an opening or freeing up in that area. My breathing became shallow. I felt the body was gradually becoming lighter and actually felt like I was floating sometimes. My mind, though, kept getting in the way with thoughts, which I would acknowledge then send away. Fortunately, my body would quickly adjust and I would return to the tingly state. I’m starting to feel comfortable in this vulnerable state. Kind of like Eleanor Arroway, in the movie Contact, sitting in the transport device stating “I’m all good to go” while watching the floor beneath her dissolving into waves of rainbow colors.

A friend visited us the other night. I explained to her that I no longer held christian beliefs. Later during the discussion I told her about some of my “dreams”/experiences talking to “dead” relatives. Her face became sad, then she confessed to having a dream about me last week. She was with my daughter and they were both crying really hard because I had passed away. She wanted to call me the next morning to see if I was OK, but it felt strange. She was glad to know that I’m still operating in this “physical” plane and hopes after my searching that I will return to the christian fold.