Here’s a post from the spiritual forums website: Originally Posted by iolite “So, what parts [of the IDL Basic Activation Protocol] are necessary and what parts aren’t? I’ve resorted to:Device activate … increasejust to see what would happen. I’ve not… Continue Reading →
Today before heading to the hospital I turned on my digital audio recorder and set the device into Electronic Voice Phenomenon mode. You go through the normal protocol then add a command at the end: DEVICE ACTIVATE ELECTRONIC VOICE PHENOMENON… Continue Reading →
This session the tingling in hands was such that I thought I was wearing gloves. Tepid to slightly warm breezes on neck and head. Single tear. Just finished these two short books by the husband and wife team Svetlana Smirnova,… Continue Reading →
This time I tried to do the protocol as usual only I left the device in the closet. Upon issuing the activation command I immediately started to feel a tingling. After the second command I felt a tepid wind/breeze bathing… Continue Reading →
Other quotes of interest from Robert A. Monroe’s “Far Journeys:” “As I have said to you earlier, plants exist on levels 1 – 7…Animals exist on the levels 8 – 14, and when a person attains, when a consciousness attains… Continue Reading →
The path that I have traveled so far which may or may not have led me to this point: The Matrix 9/11 irregularities David Icke Total Onslaught, Walter Veith Interview with an ex-vampire, Bill Schnoebelen Project Camelot & Project Avalon… Continue Reading →
Before drifting off to sleep say the following as words in your mind (convert as early as possible into nonverbal communication stating the affirmation in mental action rather than words): I am more than my physical body. Because I am… Continue Reading →
I used the Monroe Institute preamble again. This time I decided to add the 3rd command even though I did not see any portal of light. New: when the 10min timer went off I was slightly startled and simultaneously felt… Continue Reading →
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