Prior to Consciousness

A techie's trip into the unknown

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Last night after meditation I had a dream. Several things happened but what stuck out most for me was an event that happened near the end. I was on a soccer pitch with a group of players when I sensed… Continue Reading →


A few days after the most recent OBE I again felt a heavy sensation slowly take over my body. It was evening and the family was sleeping. This time there was a twist. As the heavy sensation increased it was… Continue Reading →


I’ve been having a hard time getting into the theta state. Hypnosis sessions would not go very deep, astral travel attempts came up short, and I have yet to meet my guides or higher self. I finally learned John Grace’s… Continue Reading →


I took a clay bath last night (Calcium Bentonite from The Living Clay Company). After soaking for a while I jumped out of the tub. I starting feeling nauseous and realized I had gotten out too quickly. My heart was… Continue Reading →

Building An IDL Device

The gallery below describes my build process. I had come across a YouTube video on how one could build their own Interdimensional Light (IDL) Device titled ” How to Build a Torsion Spin Field Generator.” Once the little one cut… Continue Reading →


Finally finished building my first IDL. I gave it to a friend. The instructions were posted on the SpiritualForums website and also on YouTube.

About The Spirit

Jason Duchnycz strings together concepts he has encountered along his path in what he calls “Spirit Science,” — an animated presentation synthesizing some of Drunvalo Melchizedek’s The Flower Of Life series and covering an eclectic mix spiritual information. So far… Continue Reading →


I found this presentation intriguing. The presenter mentions mechanics that Bob Lazar was talking about many years prior.

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