Using the advice of Maruti and the Spiritual Reality YouTube video I decided last night to simply listen to my breathing, as if I had never experienced breathing before. Oh! The abdomen raises like this, interesting — the lungs expand… Continue Reading →
The following statement by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj really touched me since I seem to be at the beginning stages of “seeing lights.” The way I understand what he said is this: don’t desire enlightenment, don’t desire to know “the truth,”… Continue Reading →
I came across an interesting presentation on meditation.
On a recent flight I decided to try a simple meditation using my Neological Technologies device. Only thing is, the device was in a box at home along with most of my belongings. We had just moved so hardly anything… Continue Reading →
I had a “dream” that I was in a room and suddenly my cousin J.D., who passed away a few years ago, walked in. He gave me a warm hug and we talked for a while. The most interesting thing… Continue Reading →
I was helping a friend create his iTunes account so he could associate a donated iPhone with his computer. When he came to the birth date he wondered out loud what year he should register. The number 1900 flashed in… Continue Reading →
A quote taken from “I Am That“: Q: Is the Supreme conscious? M: Neither conscious nor unconscious, I am telling you from experience.
I was in a prone position for this IDL session — the device just beyond my feet as I lay on my bed. This time I combined elements from The Monroe Institute and Neological Tech. After going through the normal… Continue Reading →
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