I haven’t used the device for a second time yet. The heart beat thing kind of gave me pause. My spouse, on the other hand, has had some rather peculiar experiences with it. In both sessions she saw a shimmering pyramid with 0’s and 1’s all over it, a young female caucasian with short, curly blonde hair, sitting in the lotus position and a Buddha statue in the lotus position. In her second session a Persian-type woman with extremely long black hair. Only her top part of her body was visible. She asked my spouse if she wanted to go someplace nice. Somehow the energy of the invitation was scary at which point my spouse called on God for protection — to which the being responded, “God?” as if puzzled, then she faded away. In the meantime two of Robert Allan Monroe’s books came in:


as well as


I started with Far Journeys and have to attest, it is far indeed. Here’s a little preview:

The first question, the first, what should be the first? … Are THEY God or …?
We are created and we create, just as you. If God and creator are identical, then you are God to that which you create.
I couldn’t help the next one, even if it killed me. I had to know. Did THEY…
It will not kill, as you put it, nor will it harm you. You are prepared for an answer by your very presence here, your curiosity, as you call it. The essence that is you and others in the human process was not our creation. As we, you exist before time-space human earth pattern, just as you do at this point. The in-human experience is merely an addition to what you are. However, it is an important addition.